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What is Google sphere..?

            Google sphere is an illusion of Google search engine website it is also like Google gravity. Google sphere is designed in JavaScript, the main purpose to build this illusion is to create attention of peoples over the website. It was designed by the mrdoob.com website. It is the new form of technique to build the traffic for their respective websites.
            To view the Google sphere just type “Google sphere” keyword in the Google search engine and enter the search button and click the first link appear on the results. It will take you to the Google search engine, after website loading process, if you move the mouse or click the mouse button or enter any key the contents and the boxes in the Google search engine rotate like the sphere earth but all the functions will work normally in the Google search engine.
            We have pasted the link below to the Google gravity site, just click the link it will take you to the Google sphere.

Link: Google Sphere